About Jimmy
Jimmy Casas is the CEO of J Casas and Associates, an educational leadership company aimed at serving teachers, principals and superintendents in school districts across the country by providing high quality, practical and meaningful coaching support.
Jimmy served twenty-two years as a school leader. He is a best selling author, speaker, leadership coach, and a state and national award winning principal. Under Jimmy’s leadership, Bettendorf High School was named one of the best high schools in the country three times by Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. JImmy was named the 2012 Iowa Principal of the Year and was runner-up NASSP 2013 National Principal of the Year. In 2014, Jimmy was invited to the White House to speak on the Future Ready Pledge. Finally, in 2015, he received the Bammy Award for the National Principal of the Year.
Nationally Recognized Leader
Best-Selling Author
Jimmy is the author of 10 books, including:
What Connected Educators Do Differently
Start. Right.Now. - Teach and Lead for Excellence
Culturize - Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes.
Stop. Right. Now. - 39 Stops to Making Schools Better
Live Your Excellence - Bring Your Best Self to School Every Day
Daily Inspiration For Educators - Positive Thoughts For Every Day of The Year
Handle With Care - Managing Difficult Situations In Schools With Dignity and Respect
Daily Inspiration For Educators: Volume II- Positive Thoughts For Every Day of The Year
Recalibrate The Culture: Our Why…Our Work…Our Values
Words on the Wall - Culturizing Your Classroom For Observable Impact
J Casas and Associates Team
Jimmy Casas
Chief Executive Officer
Kheila Casas
AJ Casas
Chief Financial Officer
Sarah Peakin
Executive Director of Operations
Megan Knapp
Director of Leadership Coaching